Four Tet – She Just Likes to Fight
I really, really liked this album when it first came out, there’s a lot of fantastic tracks on there. There’s something about this song though, it makes me feel so relaxed and happy. One of the more down-tempo tracks on There is Love In You, but Four Tet does down-tempo really well. Effing beautiful song.
Grinderman – Palaces of Montezuma
As a general rule, I don’t much care for Grinderman. However, I heard this song EVERYWHERE for a while for whatever reason, and it got jammed in my head so much that I couldn’t keep up the act any longer. I still think much of their new album is kind of bad, but the lyrics in this song really make me smile. Gotta give a man props for working ‘the palaces of montezuma’ and ‘the hanging gardens of babylon’ into his songwriting. And you know, Nick Cave is p much the coolest.
Katy Perry – Teenage Dream
GOD. DAMN. This is like, the best pop song (pop meaning popular in this sense) of the past BAJILLION YEARS. I have had great fun over the course of this year getting drunk and dancing badly with various people to this song. YOU. MAKE. ME.
The Tallest Man on Earth – The Wild Hunt
I absolutely love this song, when I first downloaded it I probably listened to it a thousand times in a row. This dude has a lot of great songs, and has had the unfortunate tag of ‘the new Dylan’ bestowed upon him more than a few times. He isn’t of course, but this song reminds me why folk music is generally my fave genre (when I have nothing else to obsess over). I linked to a vid of him playing the song live which might be a fraction less ‘heartfelt’ than the studio version, but you get to see his boyish good looks!
I'm so old that I have no idea who any of these people are... except Katy and that's a bad thing :-) This blog is helping me broaden my horizons!!