So he has a new album, called The Age of Adz. As per the title track, this is pronounced more like "odds" than "ads." I have no idea what its meant to mean. Its probably a prophecy that The Sufjan has Seen and we will all find out in harrowing moments of terror.
The album kicks off on Chilligan's Island with a nice lil' not-atypical Sufjy Stevens piano thing called "Futile Devices" and then BAM second track is all "I'M EXPERIMENTAL," drum machines and synthaholler. Sufjan Stevens: electronic genius!? WHO KNEW (A: basically anyone who listened to and appreciated his Year of the Rabbit thing). The third song is the aforementioned title track and it kind of sounds like the Terminator films would sound if they were actually musicals. O shit, gang gang etc. Everything on this album sounds completely not-of-this-planet. It's hella bizzaro.
"I am The Sufjan. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"
My personal favourite tracks from THE AAAGE OF AAAADZ are called: I Walked, The Age of Adz, I Want To Be Well (a.k.a. the song where Sufjan repeatedly yells in our faces a reassurance that he is "not fucking around") and Impossible Soul.
It is worth nothing that Impossible Soul, the closing "track" GOES FOR TWENTY-FIVE FUCKEN MINUTES. It is fantastic. In the future, this song will be compulsory listening in The Church of The Sufjan. Contained within the song's lengthy stream are: a terrifying moment where a horrorhouse auto-tuned version of The Sufjan bellows "STUPID MAN IN THE WINDOW", live drums(!), and a 3 minute burnout that is all the more smooth and tasty after 22 minutes of spastic experimental music.
Having said all this, it's pretty heavy listening and I kind of think that some of the tracks in the middle of the album get a bit lost in all the cacophony. But. I'm p sure that they'll reveal themselves with repeated listenings. So it's NBD.
gets like 8 Lukes out of 10
hit it up
Ooooh what happened to Sufjan making an album for each state of the US?! I thought that he was doing that at some point?