Sunday, July 18, 2010


So I hope y'all heard (non-google friendly, non-tasteful-name friendly) /\/\ /\ Y /\. I'VE READ SOME BAD THINGS YOU GUYS.

"Hi 2 u, I am MAYA, I got prehensile hair, and I think blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"

So anyway some of the songs on /\/\ /\ Y /\ are totally off-the-hook awesome. I think it would be wise to listen to it with approx. 16 speakers. HOWEVS I will agree with tha h8ers that some songs fall a bit flat. For the purpose of the good/bad breakdown I will ignore opening track "The Message," because it is short. And awesome. -IPHONE CONNECTED TO THA INTERNET CONNECTED TO THA GOOGLE CONNECTED TO THA GOVERNMENT-

THERE ARE DRILLS IN Steppin' Up. It's almost like I'm listening to a really angry Micachu, who suddenly has a gun and subba subba sub.
Lovalot (for the part where she goes IF I B THE F WHO THE F B THE I)
It Takes a Muscle is a p nice ballady type thing I think. Though I have recently discovered it is a cover from some random synthpop band what.
Born Free is still insanely fun to listen to really loudly. GOD WHOEVER U R COME OUT WHEREVER U RRRRRRRR

Teqkilla I liked initially but I think it is like 3 minutes too long. And kind of tacky. I'm OK with XXXO but not this one, because I have double standards like that.
Story to be Told (snoooozer), It Iz What It Iz (I don't even know), Tell Me Why (because it sucks, that is why) all kind of blur together as bland auto-tuney things in my head. This might not be accurate descriptions of these songs because I am not actually listening to them right now but shut up.

WHAT MAY NOT BE TOO CLEAR IS THAT I enjoy the majority of the albummmm. Steppin' Up I think is on par with Bamboo Banga for M.I.A. blasting you in the face with the freshest shit going.
/\/\ /\ Y /\ gets like 6.5 Lukes out of 10


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    Hi Puke,

    On behalf of XL Recordings and M.I.A, many thanks for plugging "Maya" on your site (the newly released album by M.I.A) ... .. thanks, also, on behalf of the artist and label for not posting any pirate links to unreleased (studio) material and, if you / your readers want good quality, non-pirated, preview tracks, then full length versions of Stepping Up and the remix of XXXO featuring Jay Z are available via the artist’s MySpace ... .. for further details of the new album, on-line promotions, videos and 2010 shows, check-out the official site at, as well as the artist's MySpace at and YouTube channel at ... .. and keep an eye on these official sources for details of further news, preview material and on-line promotions.

    Also and as a goodwill gesture to fans and bloggers, an exclusive preview stream of the full album is currently available via M.I.A’s MySpace and, similarly, a widget for the album stream shall also shortly be available from the artist’s official site ... this is for hyper-linking ONLY and for streaming by fans via the artist’s site and MySpace, so please reciprocate this goodwill gesture by NOT ripping and re-posting these files.

    With Thanks & Regards,


  2. I actually bought this album! I play it really loud in Sabrina and look really cool whilst doing it. It's hard now, to look cool, I'm nearing 30 for crying out loud! Not as good as her last but still ok, now looking for a new listen, hate the new Muse which J stuck in my car... wah wah waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!
