Saturday, January 22, 2011


Imagine the sound of that epic waterfall! You'd imagine it to be all like
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ (sleeping sound)

Album cover: 7 Lukes out of 10
Music: 3 Lukes out of 10

Snooooozer. Although, now that I think about it, I might not even like Cut Copy that much. I know I recently wrote something like "who doesn't like Cut Copy?" but I probably should have said "who didn't sort of dig their first album/that song Hearts on Fire?"

In other news, Mogwai's new album is called "Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will." Which is so excellent. Like the music almost definitely will be. (Although the reviews I read of their last also-excellently-titled album "The Hawk is Howling" weren't that great, I LOVED IT and much preferred it over the prior "Mr. Beast.") And have you SEEN the fucking album cover for The Hawk is Howling? Holy shit. In terms of superficial qualities an album can have, Mogwai really nailed it with The Hawk is Howling. THERE IS EVEN A TRACK TITLED "YOU ARE JIM MORRISON, YOU ARE DEAD."

~~I'M A FUCKING HOWLING HAWK AND I AM GOING TO FUCKING PECK YR EYES OUT FUUUUUUUUCK *piercing gaze*~~ - mogwai/the hawk whom howls

THERE ARE A LOT OF COMPONENTS TO A GREAT ALBUM YOU GUYS, and I do like to ponder on the superficial elements (i.e. titles/album art.) I'm pretty sure that is the greatest hawk portrait ever used as an album cover, and I know a lot of them. What can I say? I am weak to intense animal portraits!
I once saw Mogwai, it was a sensory overload and totally fantastic. I really liked it at the end of the show how I kind of felt nauseous! I recommend going to a concert venue to see them if you ever get the chance.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Super Request with Rosie Beat-her-head-in

Sup, again
Since my holidays consists of rain, playing pokemon, hoarding things, losing things, and playing "world of warcraft" (see: i am a loser) i decided that two blog posts in x amount of days is Totally Ok.

HERE IS, A 'short' list of "albums I look forward to in 2011." In no particular order.
- Hercules and Love Affair. Uhhh there is a video for the first single on the interwebs somewhere and it's pretty much regular faire for hercs, which is Good With Me. DISCO DISCO. Qs regarding hercy: is "Hercules and Love Affair" the most homo-sounding band name in existence? Is "hercules and love affair" THE most "homo" band name in existence? Disco disco?
- Patrick Wolf. If you follow patrick wolf on twitter you would have treated with this gem:

Hes engaged! To be maRried!!!!! KrAzY!!!!
Apparently no one else finds this as amusing as I do, which only disappoints me, 24 hours a day, 364 days a year (I have A Birthday, you guys.) The little symbol in the top left of the tweet means that I favourited it AND retweeted it. THAT'S THE MOST LOVE YOU CAN POSSIBLY SHOW A TWEET.Anyway, his album is apparently going to be called "Lupercalia," which is the best possible album title for someone named Patrick Wolf. And it will probably be ridiculous. YES.

- PJ Harvey. Her album coming out is called "Let England Shake." Remember back in ___ber (name of month) that the weird song leaked with her wearing a batshit-crazy hat on TV and strumming on an autoharp which was totally out of tune with the "Take me back to Constantinople!" sample playing? What. The fuck. This album will blow chunks/be amazing.
I actually found an image of that what-the-fuck moment as described above:

"~~i'm peejay and i'm jus belting shit out regardless of anything ever POTATOES~~"

MEN. Because I find JD Samson oddly attractive. I say oddly because she is a woman with a moustache.
Lupe Fiasco. His album is going to be called LASERS or L.A.S.E.R.S or some shit. I don't know. I love him. Have you listened to The Cool? It's so cool. Also anyone that knows me in real life will vouch for my ability to swoon over lasers. Seriously. Sometimes people take photos of lasers and tag me in them on Facebook.

The Streets. I think I have a crush on Mike Skinner even though he is kind of gross. Also I don't mind the newer "omg I have feelings" Streets albums over the "omg I'm so english!!!11 chips" older Streets albums. And the new one has the word "Blues" in the title, so it's going to have soooo many feelings.

~~~~~~---- The following are ones that I don't actually think are confirmed to have albums coming out:

Bjork. Apparently there is a Bjork album coming out this year. But, like Radiohead, I think 'they' say there is a Bjork album coming out every year. Nonetheless, if a Bjork album DOES come out this year, I'm on it. I'll learn all the not-great-english lyrics and wail along like a, uh, minnow.
"~~~i am bjork soh-reee i did-uh ze sneezingks~~~"

Aphex Twin. Apparently in an interview he said he had made like six million albums. I don't know why I am including him on this list, I am kind of "over him" and don't really like his stuff apart from the selected ambient works collections??? What??? UHH

Japandroids. For some reason I suspect these bros will release something in 2011. Call me psychic, or call it "band-wanting-to-remain-profitable." WHATEVS. Remember how great Post-Nothing was :'(

Any of the 5038 bands featuring Spencer Krug.

I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness. This band basically don't exist and just put out one album ever and I am so confused about anything related to them ever. BUT they have totally awesome songs on that album. Also, the worst band name ever.

I can't even remember what that album came out. SIGHS. DISAPPEARING BANDS, WHERE ARE YOU, MISS U

I'm going to leave it at that. Appaz we have probs with people commenting :'( soz. I don't know how to fix it. You can tweet at me or something.

Monday, January 3, 2011

nu year ramblings

It's twenny elev yo.
Eleven is a totally spiritual and mystical number. Here are some facts from wikipedia:
-The number eleven is important in numerology, as it is the first of the Master Numbers.
-In Basque, hamaika ("eleven") has the double meaning of "infinite", probably from amaigabe, "endless", as in Hamaika aldiz etortzeko esan dizut! ("I told you infinite/eleven times to come!").
-American Airlines flight 11, a Boston-Los Angeles flight which crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center after being hijacked by terrorists in New York City, New York on September 11, 2001.
-Ocean's Eleven is the name of two American films.


Also, it's like that Why? song where he's all "the clock's always tellin' 11:11 or 3:something"

I am jus glad it's 2011 because 2010 was totally shit.


1. Kelis: Flesh Tone. Not to be confused with flesh light. GROSS.
Kelis goes all "club diva" and drops a pop album I managed to somehow overlook until the end of 2010. I don't even know when this came out what. Think of all those shitty David Guetta/Kelly Rowlands "club jams" and remove the shitty, annoying repetition, add some serious euro inspiration, Kelis' sassy pipes and some KILLER choruses to get FLESH TONE, a totally killer pop album. I'm not sure how this got swept under the rug. ON PAR WITH BODY TALK IMO.

Appaz M.I.A. jus dropped a free mixtape/album whenevs. You can get it hurr. And you should. It's probably better than /\/\ /\ Y /\, or at least it's more fun to listen to. And it doesn't have Teqkilla on it. Also it has less-serious M.I.A. that we haven't seen for a while! And it's FREE. Winnings, all round. I'ma listen to it RIGHT NOW. the world th-th-the world

3. DFA
That's right. I'm advising you to listen to an ENTIRE RECORD LABEL'S OUTPUT. jus' kiddin'. Well, only a little. Every act* on DFA is totally solid. *I haven't listened to all of them. But they probably are. DFA artists you have probably heard of and love: LCD Soundsystem, The Juan MacLean, The Rapture, Hercules and Love Affair, YACHT, Hot Chip(!). I'm super psyched for the upcoming Hercules and Love Affair record. BUT the reason I put this here is because for a couple days I was hooked on the DFA 2010 compilation and also the "DFA gets cheap with bleep" compilation. Both are totally winner and I heartily recommend if you like funky beats/disco/music at all. This one was flogged in the early hours of January 1:

So. Fantastic. u doin alrite? yeeeeah we're doin alrite

Things I am looking forward to:
1. 2011 not being as shitty as 2010

hope erryone reading had a nice new year etc.
all the best