So Gang Gang Dance is potentially my new fave band. And by ‘fave’ I mean 2nd fave ‘cause NO CUNT could ever topple AnCo.
Anyway they’ve got a bitchin lead singer even if she’s a bit uggo and they named their most recent album after some religious shit I don’t even know about but yeh
Lizzie from Gang Gang Dance: Bit Uggo, Misses Aaliyah :(
Hope 'Oh shit, Gang Gang!' becomes a meme. Hope our thousands of readers 'appreciate' Gang Gang Dance.
... I hope y'all like that Why? album called Alopecia. as seen here ----> It's pretty damn good and don't fear, the rest of Yoni Wolf's lyrics are as good as that line up thurrr. IF I REMAIN LOST AND DIE ON A CROSS AT LEAST I WASN'T BORN IN A MANGERRR
Lately I've been listening to a lot of the following
Aaliyah's album "One in a Million."
The-Dream's album "Love Hate."
Jimmy Eat World's "Stay on my Side Tonight" EP.
Sunset Rubdown and Grouper in general.
I don't know how to talk about the first two without somehow being racist or disrespectful of the dead/women.
Because I was once a teenage boy, I really like Jimmy Eat World. I think this particular EP I have listed is my favourite thing they have done. I'm not sure on the specifics of it, but I believe it came after the relatively bad "Futures" album but before the relatively OK "Chase This Light" album? I often wonder if the depresso songs that run the tracklist feature songtitles stolen from bands that are "totally goth." (Disintegration - The Cure, Over - Portishead, Closer - NIN???) If you like generic American pop rock, YOU MIGHT LIKE THIS.
"we r totally ~maturing~ our sound. u can tell because we put a girl with a cigarette on the cover LOL and make sure yr parents kno u r getting this pls ~PARENTAL ADVISORY~" - Jimmy Eat World.
As for no. 4 on the list, I listen to Sunset Rubdown and Grouper alll the time anyway. Snoooooozer. So, ummm. Here MASSIVE ATTACK by NICKI MINAJ which is one of the best things I've seen/heard since that Ciara video/song WORK.
Sometimes I really like pop music y'all! p.s. lol at Nicki Minaj's face in the frame youtube decided to provide for the preview